We are often the first port-of-call when it’s not clear what the solution might be.
Our Services
Telecommunications hub: Use our telephones, laptops, Wi-Fi, email, printer, scanner and fax.
Form Filling: For any form that is proving difficult to complete; let us help you. Forms we often help clients with include forms relating to Personal Independent Payment and Universal Credit, and Capability for Work Questionnaires.
Letter Writing: We can help you with letter writing, including regarding appeals to council or similar bodies, consumer issues and complaints.
Food Fund: We are linked to the local foodbanks and are able to make referrals.
Legal: We can support you to access appropriate legal help.
Benefits: We can help you with all aspects of benefits, including entitlement, applications and appeals. We can provide help and support to access HMRC and the Department for Work and Pensions.
Debt: We offer expert advice from our partner organisation, South Bristol Advice Services.
Housing: We provide advice on all aspects of housing and homelessness.
Listening: We offer a listening ear and can help you to access mental health services.
Advice for Older People: We offer expert advice from our partner organisation, Age UK.
Employment: We can help with issues with employers, and help with your CV.
New for 2022: ‘Money MOT’ – financial literacy training
There is no cost to access this service, as we rely on donations.